Thursday 30 May 2013


Waaaahhhhhh...I missed my childhood!!!

Yesterday, when I was fetching my youngest from school, my eldest had to stay coz she got extra class, they were playing at the school playground, chasing one another, laughing, sweating and having so much fun that I wish I can join in too..

 My girls went to East Coast Primary School which was within walking distance from my house to the school. My eldest in Pri 3 and my youngest Pri 2. My pride and my joy..

My two beautiful babies..hahaha..yar..although they've my eyes they're still my young ones..

This one is pretty cool coz I managed to get 8 students to actually listened to me in order to snap their photo! Thanks Guys!! Sorry for the weather though and thanks for enduring it for me to take your photos..all of them are my eldest's classmate which I recognised some of them coz I followed for their school trip before to Gardens By The Bay..phew..i really salute their teacher, having to lead 37 students is not easy! actually gave up coz of the heat and she silently stood by the corner to have her picture taken...
My eldest..I'm truly proud of her coz she came in 1st in her class..Good Job baby but you can do better...

Wish I got their energy..wonder what do their parents feed them..hahaha..I would like to feed myself..
Miraculously..I don't kinda remember much from my fact, I don't remember anything at all..sometimes when there's a new playground or a really cool one, I would joined my girls and climbed it and instantly felt like a 9 years old..hahahaha..

Gaya Ibu Anggun 2013

Salamzz All..

On the 25th May 2013, Megaexpress held this Gaya Ibu Anggun competition at the Singapore Expo hall 5A and guess who took part? Yes..yours was two days before I signed my contract with KKH and during that time I had lots of fun, dancing backstage with the other mommies, practicing catwalking that I've never done before.

These are actually a few that took part and the one in red was the winner, in black is 2nd. She's really gorgeous. I felt so small when standing next to her but she still befriends me with no obligation and we stayed together all the way. Up till now we are still contacting one another.

The one in blue was 3rd, she came quite late though I guess due to traffic but she made it perfectly on time for the next catwalk on stage. I loved her outfit and was shocked when she told me she is a fitness instructor at Fitness First (I think so, lol). I really admire her body which is feeewwwiittt..hahahaa...

This is during our waiting time where we lepak after our first round of catwalking which was actually nerve-wrecking. First time ever sashaying in front of that much crowd. you can see in this picture, I wasn't potraying much confidence. It looks as though I'm trying to hide from Rozie..hahahaha...yar...i slouched when I get kinda nervous.

Everyone listening intently to Kak Yati (the one in black dress). She's the organiser and she's the one that encourage me to join.. Thanks Kak!! She's teaching us how to catwalk which looks easy but difficult for an amateur, like me..Hahah

My heart was pounding but the moment the crowds cheered and clapped, I felt that my confidence rosed little by little..

And then, here comes another nerve-wrenching moment, Question & Answer.

I wasn't confident at first with what he's going to ask me but I just prayed to Allah that whatever question he proposed I will get to answer smoothly and true enough, I did managed to answer and received round of applause from the crowds..Wow..I think I did well though despite the shivering hands holding the microphone...hahahaha
I looked like I'm going to sing..well I loved to sing's my pastime favourite..
 And taking my walk before proceeding back..

There you have it...all the participants...waiting for the results..

And unexpectedly, I got the Personality Gaya Ibu Anggun title. I thought at that moment that I didn't won anything but was happy enough getting to know others and also got some wonderful experience that I might not get anymore..Then when the host announced my name I was gaping in disbelief and my husband was actually laughing because he, too can't believe that I won this.

Thank You Sayang..without your support, I may never get this experience..

The people that probe me to join, Thanks Ayah, Fatin and Cik guys are great. Fatin was the winner for Gadis Melayu competition and she got to go upstage with Jamal Abdillah during his concert here in Singapore..pretty cool huh..

With my bestie..Rozie..congrats girl..I know you're gonna win..
I think after this I won't be joining anymore competition because I'm gonna concentrate fully on my career which I'm starting soon on the 10th..One day after my life is gonna take a good turn, I guess..Insyallah..


Tuesday 21 May 2013

Salamz All..

How are my favourite people doing?

I'm doing fine,if you're wondering. Anyway, today I'm gonna write about this food that I tasted somewhere (can't really remember where), it's called Caramel Pudding.

Looking at the picture is enough to make me drool..I've eventually tried to make it but it was unsuccessful. The taste is right but not the appearance but still I'm not satisfied and I hope one fine day I'm gonna try again. Practice makes perfect. For those mummies or singles wanna try this dish either to impress that certain someone or just for dessert after a hearty meal..then here are the recipe.


  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 large egg
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
I didn't actually followed this recipe, I followed others which doesn't include cornstarch. Maybe for those who've tried this with this recipe, do leave me a comment regarding the texture and the taste, k.


  1. In a bowl, whisk 1/2 cup milk, cornstarch, and egg until well blended.
  2. In a 2- to 3-quart pan over medium-high heat, tilt and swirl sugar until melted and deep amber, about 4 minutes. Stir in remaining 1 1/2 cups milk; mixture will bubble and sugar will harden. Stir until sugar melts again, about 2 minutes.
  3. Whisk about 1/2 cup of the caramelized sugar mixture into cornstarch mixture, then return all to pan. Stir over medium-high heat until pudding thickens and begins to bubble, 3 to 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Pour into bowls and serve warm. Or let cool, chill airtight up to 2 days, and serve cold.

To all who wanna try..I wish you all the best and I hope you achieve in whatever you doing. I just wish someone could do this for me...hahaha..I'll return with another recipe. Till then, tata.

Sunday 19 May 2013


This time, I was wondering..

Why do I harbour such dreams of becoming a flight attendant..Why can't I simply like simple things?
It's kinda hurting handling rejections. Hearing other Hopefuls saying that they get through to the next round and then going for medical checkup. Why do I decide to begin what I'd left behind 10 years ago? Why can't I just carry on living with my family like a normal happy family, not that we're not just don't feel normal anymore. My girls loved goin to the airport and everytime we went there my heart would feel the pain of seeing those stewardesses walking past, flashing those bright smiles to whoever is looking at them. I have bright smile too..why don't they choose me? HAhahaha

Bright right?? Lol
Anyway..I'm goin to try my last luck..if I get, Im gonna be the happiest woman on earth..if I don't then I will wrap it all up..It's about time I came back reality..and throw away all those dreams..

Thursday 16 May 2013


Yar..I know..Intro should come first rite but I started off writing Korean Boy Bands..
Anyway..this time round I'm gonna talk a bit about myself, my dreams, my wish. Never shared it with anyone though so why not..I share it here..

This is me..

When I was a teenager, I spent most of my times studying at Changi Airport as I find that place a very peaceful location to study and aircondition too..hehe..I saw how the place changed from time to time and honestly I'm very proud with the Airport that we have. Anyway, when I was doing my studying, I saw a group of really gorgeous Singapore Girls pulling their luggage, walking gracefully while their smiles never once left their lips. Some even stopped to talked to me, asking me about my studies ( I guess i'm a familiar face there, hahaha) and then carried on their journey. Then, it dawned upon me..I want to be like them..I want to fly and serve at the same time. And besides anyone would look good in that sarung kebaya uniform. So until i ended my studies, I kept that dream alive by always going to the airport to either study or just lazing around and studying all the Airlines names and logos and up till now I'm able to recognise most of the Airlines names..yar I'm proud of it..hahaha..When after my O's finally ended, I told my dad about flying, he's cool about it and even said that he might be able to help me sit for the 1st interview, I felt like being on cloud 9..then he told me to ask blessings from my mom and that's where it all started, the shattering dreams of a Hopeful..
She told me stuffs like things that may clash with my religion and so on and so forth. And she said strictly "NO". So being a teenager that moment, I actually listened to her..I threw away all that dreams and stopped going to the Airport ever since because I know it will hurt me more looking at the Kebaya ladies catwalking next to me and the longing to wear one is somewhat hurting. So, I moved on with my life. Then after that, my dad left me..GOD NO!! He's still parents went through divorce and instantly I knew I lost that person whom I can talk anything under the sun.

Anyway, be gone with all the unhappy pasts..I'm now married with 2 gorgeous girls that never makes me forget to have fun and to smile all the time.

And Yes..he's the love of my soulmate who understands everything that I want and need in life..and he will tirelessly tried to get it done just for me and his girls.

And also because of him and his blessings, I got to go for the SilkAir open interview for flight attendants..haha..yes..I actually went, made some friends, had fun although I was rejected..hahaha..You see, at my current age now, I don't feel disappointed or sad when I got rejected. To me, it's kinda enough just to be there, writing down the application form, register and to sat on the chair waiting anticipatingly for my name to be called and also wondering what are the questions gonna be. For me now, I'm just gaining experience which I should have gained 10 years back but it's still enough for me to look back and laugh it off...I have no
Currently, I'm still waiting for any other open interviews with any airlines and who knows if my luck is good, they won't look at my age..*winks*